Son diversi
Ecco cosa farei se potessi.
1) Abbasserei la tassazione sul lavoro, aumentandola invece sulle rendite finanziarie.
2)Renderei molto costoso usufruire di lavoratori a tempo determinato. rendendo conveniente invece l'assunzione permanente. L'esatto contrario di oggi.
3)Darei un giro di vite alle coperative, che in molti casi(non tutti) sono solo un sistema di sfruttamento.
4)Incoraggerei chi produce, rispetto a chi commercializza solamente.
5)Evasione fiscale. Sarà un tiritera , ma fin quando si permette di evadere le tasse impunemente avremmo sempre un debito pubblico assurdo e non avremmo le riforme necesarie.Evadere le tasse deve essere un reato gravissimo e punibile con il carcere.Naturalmente in proporzione alla somma evasa.Ma in ogni caso, se evadi, non te la cavi con una piccola multa, ti portiamo via tutto.
6)Made in Italy E qui insieme al fisco è il lato più delicato e difficile.Ormai il Made in Italy è sputtanato.Vendiamo, spesso merce poco pregiata, poco costosa, a prezzi folli, sfruttando a più non posso i lavoratori.
Certifichiamo il Made in Italy.
Vuoi fregiarti del marchio Made in Italy?
Allora devi rispettare alcune regole.Regola basilare :i prodotti devono essere costruiti in Italia e non come succede ora, spesso, in paesi stranieri.
Il materiale che usi deve essere italiano, se esiste in Italia.
I lavoratori devono essere italiani, o comunque residenti in Italia, con permesso di soggiorno in regola.
Devi pagare bene i tuoi dipendenti, dimostrando di fare formazione.
La qualità del prodotto deve essere eccellente e non come ora in molti casi, cacca a prezzi pazzeschi.
Il prodotto Made in Italy, deve essere anche un prodotto etico, all'avanguardia.
Se rispetti queste regole, che dovrai certificare, attraverso controlli da parte dello stato, allora puoi fregiarti del Marchio Made in Italy.La classica borsa che alla produzione costa 25 euro , sfruttando cinesi e poi si vende a 500, non deve più esistere. E non mi si venga a dire che costa così perchè c'è la pubblicità e il marketing,Se il costo è derivato dalla pubblicità vuol dire che stai vendendo cacca , come se fosse oro.Quindi obiezione respinta al mittente.
So di essere un signor nessuno , ma vorrei far capire che se non cambiamo in fretta fra poco rischiamo di avere la guerriglia.O credete davvero che la gente accetterà di morire di fame o finire sulla strada senza reagire?Se capitasse a me, prima di morire io, ammazzerei altri, per la legge della conservazione ed io sono un tipo tranquillo, pensate a chi è già fumino di carattere.
Mi piacerebbe che facessimo un patto, tra Imprenditori, Operai, Sindacati,Enti, tra tutti insomma per dare una sterzata a questo paese.
In fin dei conti un paese civile è come la musica.Le note son sempre le stesse, ma se sai comporle e renderle indispensabili l'una all'altra, ne esce un'armonia meravigliosa.Se invece, ogni nota va per conto suo, senza regole ne esce baccano.
Anche perchè, se la massa si arrabbia..........Ora siamo vicino a Natale e vorrei suggerire un idea regalo.Non date panettoni ai vostri dipendenti, ma assumeteli a tempo indeterminato e questo sì che è un bel regalo.
Un altra cosa mi preme dire:Ricordatevi che siamo in questo mondo per un brevissimo lasso di tempo, ma poi dovremmo fare i conti, auguro a me e a Voi, il più in là possibile, con l'altro mondo e di là, non avremmo avvocati, condoni, scappatoie.Di là, i conti ce li faranno precisi , precisi .
Per chi volesse scrivermi, per dir la sua, insultarmi, o per collaborare, o conoscermi questo è l 'indirizzo
This time I talk about sales techniques or taxation and regulation, but talk about current affairs, still tied to the world of work. This article I write, does not embrace any political idea, and if anyone wants to attribute to an ideology would fall into error. From my point of view (but I'd be curious to see how I can be denied) the work situation is dramatic. Unfortunately, the so-called crisis is far from over. When I hear talk of recovery, I feel a deep sense of hysteria, because I do not know whether to laugh about the stupidity of the statement or send in a mental institution who says it. For me, working in the area of my competence, or , see, unfortunately, every day new companies in crisis and workers without any support. When we speak of the poor cash integrated, or list for moving to an absurd and perverse game, we speak of "lucky", given that there are many more who do not have any help We speak of VAT, real or imagined, the agency staff, Co.Co.Co, us agents of Commerce left to the most squalid of the mottos "Arrangiatevi" I regret not being in line with those who say that optimism is the energy of life, but I still see closures of companies and believe me, this happens every day, how can I honestly make my own like a motto? In my town of residence in the rich Piedmont every day there are people asking for help, to eat and it is clear many are Italians. But because we got to this point? I'm not an economist, but seeing as they have failed, not foreseeing the crisis, are equally authoritative, for they are like other years, "beating the street" every day I have the pulse of the situation and say that the system can not cope with. The reasons are many, but in our country, I see as the main cause, precariousness and low wages and tax evasion. News reaches me of employment contracts of 15 days and more with withholding taxes. I did not think was legal but who has permission to make a legal contract like that? Now the work is no longer a right, but increasingly a mere system of exploitation. How can reducing the salary by not taking the people, by term contracts, no one has realized that we would have depleted Italy and the Italians? Yet it should be clear. If a worker has a secure job, a comfortable salary, you can spend and then buy his own merchandise produce.Già understood him when Henry Ford built the Ford T. To be more competitive, spend less, it was thought, by now vent'ennio one to always give to those who work for less money, less security, fewer opportunities for the future and we are now filled with stores and businesses that chiudono.La excuse was always that flexibility allows us to be competitive with countries beginners. Excellent flexibility, but we do not change the deadline. Flexibility, has the same meaning of exploitation. Even the sound is utter diverso.Provate-Flexibility-SFRUTTAMENTOOOO Are different Not really thought that the crisis is due to American banks? No, the problem is that if we gain little or nothing, if we work rate, but can rely on the future is clearly not buy. It possible that something so simple has not been implemented? I do not have the up with the imprenditori.Tutt 'altro.In Italy there are flowers entrepreneurs, excellent people, excellent management and personal ethics. Every day I talk to these people, who must untangle and get away with, in a country that treats them as cannon fodder. Not to mention that many are burdened by a lack of liquidity and fail due to a crazy legal system, to claim credits, which could revive the company. Not to mention the banking system which is painful. Small digression fasulle.Le VAT registration statistics tells us that the crisis is ending and how to bring the increase in test matches Iva.In truth we all know that many of VAT numbers are bogus, which is just a legalized way to avoid paying contributions. Only I know of dozens of employees with VAT numbers that are "entrepreneurs" with an income of 600 euro month. The unions, CGIL, CISL, UIL, must change the country. Are important in a free country and not upside giusto.Perchè this system of exploitation? Even the Confederation, in addition to not defend his associates, when they realize that is not enough demand reductions in taxes? The police, the Carabinieri, the police, the Guardia di Finanza, the Department of Labor, the INPS, which seems more and more a collection agency instead of protecting workers, if they feel it changing? And our politicians, right or left, instead of arguing, why do not they will agree to change this bad habit? Yet the judiciary does not seem to be effective. Yet it is beneficial to have all the rules and allow others to live well. Here's what I'd do if I could. 1) Lower the tax on labor, increasing instead on financial income. 2) Make use of expensive temporary workers. making it convenient instead taking permanent. The exact opposite of today. 3) I would give a crack at co-op, which in many cases (not all) are just a system of exploitation. 4) encourage those who produce, compared to those who market only. 5) tax evasion. It will be a rigmarole, but until you can evade taxes with impunity, we shall always have a public debt absurd and we would not necesarie.Evadere tax reform must be a very serious offense and punishable by carcere.Naturalmente in proportion to the amount in evasa.Ma However, if you escape, you did not manage with a small fine, we'll take you all away. 6) Made in Italy and here is the side with the tax more delicate and difficile.Ormai Made in Italy "is sputtanato.Vendiamo, often low-value goods, cheap, crazy prices, like anything by exploiting workers. Certify the Made in Italy. Would you bear the label Made in Italy? Then you have to respect some basic regole.Regola: Products must be manufactured in Italy and not as happens now, often in foreign countries. The material you use must be Italian, if it exists in Italy. Workers must be Italian, or at least living in Italy, with residence permit in order. You must pay your employees well, proving to do training. The product quality must be excellent and not as now in many cases, hunting crazy prices. "Made in Italy, must be also an ethical, cutting-edge. If you respect these rules, you'll have certified, through control by the state, then you bear the mark Made in Italy.La classic bag that the production costs 25 euro, making Chinese and then selling at 500, should no longer exist. And do not you come and say that it costs so why is the advertising and marketing, if the cost is derived from advertising means that you're selling crap, as if oro.Quindi request rejected to the sender. I know I'm a nobody, but let me make it clear that if we do not change quickly before long we risk having the guerriglia.O really think the people want to starve or end up on the road without reacting? Does happen to me before I die, kill others, the law of conservation and I am a quiet guy, think of those who already smoke character. I'd like us to do a deal, between employers, workers, trade unions, including helping everyone to give a circle in this country. Ultimately, a civilized country is like musica.Le notes are always the same, but if you can compose and make them indispensable to each other, leaving harmony meravigliosa.Se however, every note must be on his own, unregulated leaving noise. Also because, if the mass gets angry .......... We are now close to Christmas and I would suggest a date idea regalo.Non panettone for your employees, but hire them indefinitely and this is really a nice gift . One other thing I want to say: Remember that we are in this world for a very short period of time, but then we come to terms, I hope me and you, as far as possible, with the other world and beyond, we would lawyers, amnesties.Di there, the EC will prepare them to accounts accurate and precise. For those wishing to write, to tell her, insult, or to cooperate, or know this is the 'address
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